
Community Transport in the Scottish Borders

Need help with getting out and about? Our wheelchair accessible services cover most of the Scottish Borders. They are available to individuals and voluntary organisations.

Use our community transport services

Berwickshire Wheels:

On 1st April 2024 Berwickshire Wheels (previously a part of Berwickshire Association for Voluntary Service) joined Borders Wheels to create a truly Scottish Borders-wide community transport service.

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Thrift Shops

Our Thrift Shops are social enterprises, supporting the community through re-use of clothing and household items at affordable cost. Each staffed by a manager and a dedicated team of volunteers, the funds raised provide an additional income to support our local services.

Come and visit – you will love the bargains and help us to help others too!

Visit our Thrift Shops »
  • Borders Wheels: Development and Aims

    Community transport provides a vital service in the rural Scottish Borders. Its door-to-door service enables people with a wide range of transport or mobility difficulties to access medical and social services, and it also provides affordable transport for voluntary organisations. For over thirty years BAVS and the Bridge have provided the four local Wheels projects…

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  • AGM approval of move to Borders Wheels

    The Bridge’s AGM on 2nd November approved special resolutions to change the name of the organisation to Borders Wheels and adopt a new constitution. The current directors were all re-elected and are pictured below, together with former director Alastair Hirst and Chief Officer Morag Walker Left to right: Marshall Wilson, Andrew Findlay, Mike Rumbles (Chair),…

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